Application forms



    ​Application form:2020 application form.pdf2020 application form.pdf

    Parental Consent(Only for Minor's visa application): Parental Consent.pdfParental Consent.pdf

    Sample Parental Consent: Sample Parental Consent.pdfSample Parental Consent.pdf

    Personal Statement(Only for Work visa application):work visa_personal_statement.pdfwork visa_personal_statement.pdf

    Fingerprints Statement(Only for work visa application):work visa_fingerprints_agreement.pdfwork visa_fingerprints_agreement.pdf


    Instructions of completing the visa application form of Israel
    Attention: please follow these instructions to complete the visa application form of Israel, any unqualified form will be returned.

    1. Applicant should fill in this form correctly, completely and clearly. If invited by Israeli side, please also write name, phone number, and e-mail of the inviter.
    2. Please glue an applicant‘s 5*5cm photo with white/blue background on the form.
    3. This form must be completed in English or Hebrew, only “Applicant signature” on the last page can be in Chinese.
    4. If there’s any field not applicable to the applicant on the form, please fill with slash or “N/A” instead of leaving it blank.
    5. On the first page of this form, only “Previous full name”, “Previous nationality”, “Countries of transit”, “Category of previous residence permit in Israel” and “Dates of previous stays in Israel” are optional, the other fields are compulsory and can’t be filled with slash or “N/A”
    6.  “Applicant’s signature”, “Date” and “Place” are compulsory, and the other fields should be completed according to the fact.
    7. If the applicants choose "Mutiple entries till 10 years visa" on the seconed page, please provide materials according to the request of 10-year visa.